Digital Symmetry offers a wide variety of PPC Services including Google Ads Management, Bing Ads Management, and Social Media Marketing. Our expert Paid Advertising Services are a comprehensive online advertising approach for your website’s needs and overall business goals.

Also known as Paid Advertising, PPC allows your business to be found fast. Have you ever wondered how to show up at the top of Google with a Sponsored Ad for a specific term? Or perhaps your company is struggling to track all your leads generated and is receiving poor visibility into Reporting? Our experts help with all of this – and more.

If done effectively, Paid Advertising will help increase your business’ leads and sales. At Digital Symmetry, we approach Paid Advertising with your business needs in mind and use our decades of experience to find the most comprehensive and effective approach customized for you.

PPC Advertising Services Offered:

  • Google PPC Search Ads
  • Google Display Ads
  • YouTube Video Ads
  • Ad Copy Creation
  • Competitor Targeting through Search and Display
  • Conversion Tracking & Integration Setup
  • Bing Ads
  • Social Media Marketing

Google PPC Search Ads Service

The most common method of Paid Advertising is Google PPC Ads - otherwise known as Google Search Ads. We create robust search ads that rank well and are targeted at visitors with the intent to convert. Our strategy includes:

  • Keyword Focused Ad Copy that focuses on your core services. It also highlights unique differentiators, strengths, and pain point solutions.
  • Keyword Buildout. We are experts at findings bottom of the funnel (high intent conversion) keywords that will get you the best bang for your buck.
  • Unique Sitelinks. Sitelinks are Extensions on a Search Copy Ad that give you the ability to highlight things like pricing, competitive edge, or anything unique to your company. If done right, they contribute to lower CPCs (cost per clicks) and overall improved performance.
  • Negative Keywords This is one of the most overlooked aspects that other agencies and specialists ignore. To be successful at Google Search, you need to also know what your business is not and put in keywords known as “Negatives” as to avoid wasting spend on your paid program.
  • Placement Strategy. Did you know that you can analyze audience segments that are best suitable for your ads? We can choose such segments and perform strategy such as Exclusions from irrelevant placements.
  • Landing Page Buildout & Split Testing. Most agencies get lazy with split testing and building our keyword rich landing page experiences. Not us. Our strategy incorporates web page buildout if necessary and leverages our expert designer service.
  • Paid Advertising Reporting. You will receive detailed analysis on all the keywords that led to a conversion or sale on your site. You will also receive insight on all the search terms conducted that triggered an ad to be shown.

Google Display Services

Google Display is best used for building brand awareness and retargeting. At Digital Symmetry, we also use Google Display to retarget your competitor sites through our custom competitor URL buildout program.

  • Responsive Display Ads. We build out a variety of image and text assets that display specific to the user throughout Google. These ads support dozens of bylines and images. We provide on average 3-5 unique headlines and images to support your brand.
  • Audience Targeting. We narrow down your targeted geo area, audience age, interests, and demographics to give you a fine-tuned Display Marketing approach.
  • Competitor URL Retargeting. Looking to get in front of your competitors’ traffic? We have a unique audience buildout program that gets in front of any traffic that has gone to your competitor’s website.

YouTube Video Services

Looking to run YouTube Ads to promote a specific service or product? YouTube marketing is a must and is offered through Google Ads – another one of our service items.

Audience Buildout. Customized audience targeting, including competitor URL buildout.
Setup and Reporting. Views, Lead Gen and Sales specific reports. 

Conversion Tracking Services

Most companies do not have good tracking in place. And what’s worse, agencies and self-proclaimed experts do not, either. We are Conversions and Tracking Experts that take extreme ownership of reporting and analysis.

Conversion Setup Service. We take into consideration all the ways customers contact you, including form fills tracking, telephone clicks on mobile, email link clicks and direct phone calls. We make sure all touch points are covered and set them up as a conversion touch point for tracking so that we understand what type of traffic produced what type of sale or lead. 

Ongoing Tracking Service. Ongoing conversion tracking troubleshooting and monitoring. Google Tag Manager (GTM) services offered as well. 

Bing Ads PPC Service

Same as the Google Search Management Services but in the Bing Ads platform.

LinkedIn Paid Advertising Service

LinkedIn is a powerful way to connect with working professionals looking for a specific service. We have found this performs best when the service offered is niche specific but there are always exceptions.

LinkedIn Audience Buildout and Targeting Service. Target high level management, CEOs, or any other job position with our audience buildouts.

Ongoing Monitoring and Management. We keep a close eye on the ads we run, and LinkedIn is one where we track performance to an excessive degree.

Our Paid Advertising Process

  1. Understand your Business Needs
  2. Perform Paid Advertising Research & Opportunity Analysis within Your Vertical
  3. Formulate Strategy and Create Assets
  4. Launch and Report

Businesses We Serve Paid Advertising Services

  • Small & Medium Size Businesses
  • Enterprises
  • Fractional Marketing PPC Team Oversight for Agencies & Organizations

Industries We’ve Served with Paid Media Services

Healthcare & Medical


Real Estate

Travel & Tourism



Ecommerce Sites

Dental Offices

Dermatology Offices and Chains

Various B2B Industries Including Water Jet Cutting Machines




And many more…. No site is too small or big for our services.

Getting Started

Feel free to drop us a line through our contact page. We will arrange a Paid Advertising Service Expert to connect with you, and not one of those annoying salespeople who don’t understand the ins and outs of Paid Marketing. 

We look forward to helping transform your business through Paid Marketing PPC!  

Customized Services

Whether you're looking for top-notch SEO, cutting-edge digital marketing strategies, or a full-scale branding overhaul, we've got you covered
